Diogenesister, is this "telltale" on YouTube the same grifter who came on here a few years ago and announced similar plans, along with plans to produce a film? If memory serves, the film - or maybe his alter-ego - was "losing my religion."
His own mother wouldn't give him money! As a test, I DID give him some $$,$$$ and in a flash he traveled north and south, up to Europe, down to Africa, up to Europe, bought cameras, ate nice dinners, etc. Soon the money was gone and along with it the "ass-istants" who helped him spead it on cameras and software. And a lawyer, who was supposed to help get a completion bond for the film project.
Too bad he never got the completion bond - if he had he might have been able to wring some money out of an insurance company. If you do a search here you'll be able to docuent "The Grifter Chronicles."
It is a joy to exp
ose these fnckin' frauds for what they are - opportunists and liars!